

... i cried the 22 years of tears that my body was holding ...

No tragedy happened and i'm so thankful to god but unfortunately it means that some people around me will get their fair share of some of the pain i let go of...

Usually by the time they know what's going on, i'd already be over it and they'd once again feel like i'm cold and selfish... and once again i'd feel trapped because sometimes for many reasons you just can't explain things to people even when their eyes start to water...

But this time, i will take the time to express my true feelings to each of them because honesty is by far the best gift i'll ever have for them... By sparing too many people " just a little pain ", i've accumulated so much... I know pain... and i spent so much energy trying as much as i could to prevent my loved ones from suffering that i didn't realize that i was absolutely not helping them but just adding confusion in their lives which ultimately would lead to other types of pain...

.... i am no Superman ... but i am a Soldier ...


Motionphics said...


I hope all is well with you mr jet-setter. I can't wait to see you again.

Clapping those hands boi!!!

Dapper D

fuzzy said...

Pain really sucks man, and to know pain means you have had more than your fair share of it!!!

E said...

Wow...22 years worth of pain. That had to be quite the session. I'm glad you're working on expressing your feelings a bit more. I know it'll be hard but it definitely has its benefits.

Ohh..and I totally didn't know you had DL Chronicle links on your page. I've wanted to see the show so I'll definitely be checking those out.

Ailed LittleKnight said...

I don't think I could say I have had my age worth of pain! DAMN!

yet another black guy said...

honest as a gift? priceless!