
The 5-year plan / wtf ???


i like to know who i'm surrounded by so im curious to know " what's next for you ? what's your plan ? what motivates you ? why do you wake up in the morning ? " but instead of asking all those here's a simple question :

where do you see yourself in 5 years ?


Please check this out and let me know what you think :
It's just.. wow


Promiscuous X said...

Okay were do I see myself in 5yrs hmmmm I hope already in my own space. at least a couple thous saved up. In a stable relationship.

2nd that link u posted OMG. How the hell u teach a gay man to be gay. I know we have our own culture so to speak but. some of us don't wanna be understood.... its called dl. And they offer the course to people who wanna understand the "culture" I'm really feeling some kinda way right now. I mad this is a course an apart of the ciriculum. I bout to petition this lol. Wat is this world coming to... must everything be in black & white?

fuzzy said...

In 5 years i see myself teaching and catering. I would love to say that will be all, but knowing me I will be also asking myself where I will be in 5 years, 5 years from now!

E said...

Oh my gosh..wow to that link!

Where do I see myself in 5 years? Hopefully doing something that I love and still being with the guy I love. Maybe even living together with him.

I'm with fuzzy, though. I'll probably be asking that same question five years from now. But it's always good to evaluate.

Karamale said...

just stopping by to say happy new year. much success in the 08.


yet another black guy said...

i'm mad late and so is my plan lol! i'm still trying to get it together so i can end this year on a high note. can i get back to you on this one?

E said...

Hey Mr Soldier...where u at, where u at? I need a soldier in here..where u at? I can't believe I quoted a Destiny Child song...*LOL*.

TrinaBeingTrina said...

In 5 years I will have my real estate license. I will have used my connections to find me the perfect place to move to in Virginia(don't ask why VA, because I always get that question and my response is always, why not VA). Anyway my daughter will be on her way off to college and I will rent out my house I'm in now. So I will be selling real estate in VA., putting my child through college and if the real estate business is slow I will always have my medical background to fall back on. And if I hate living in VA. I will be able to come back to my house. That's why I'm going to rent and not sell. Does that answer your question

Btw.. my computer was acting stupid so I couldn't get to the link. Maybe I can pull it up later because it sounds interesting.